Events and Term Dates

We operate Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00 or 9.00-3.00 during term time and can take up to 24 children per day.

Term dates for 2024/25Term dates for 2025/26
Trip to East Links Farm
What a fantastic day we had at East links. The children enjoyed seeing all the animals and even got to feed the baby lambs. We had great fun at the park, riding on the train, going down the huge slide and riding the go karts. We all later enjoyed lunch in the barn.
Summer Fair 2023
It was lovely to see so many families attend our Summer Fair. Thank you to all who handed in home baking, tombola and raffle prizes, which allowed to raise over £500. This money will be used to purchase sensory equipment for our new sensory room.
Christmas Fair 2023
What a great turn out we had at our Christmas Fair. It was lovely to see so many families and friends attend and have a chance to get to know each other. We raised over £1100 which will go towards another full day trip at the end of June 2024.